This is the most important work! Do not skip this or you are skipping the opportunity to understand your financial self at the deepest level. Gain understanding and clarity about conditioned beliefs toward money, finances, and wealth and identify what has been helpful and harmful. From there you will consciously create a new narrative that fully embodies your wants, needs, dreams, and goals.

What is this Profits First thing all about anyway? We’ll dig into and explain the principles that guide the PF philosophy. You will receive a hard copy of the book to read, which will further assist your understanding.

This is when we really start digging into your numbers! You will gain clarity around how much revenue you’ve generated and where you are spending. With that information, we’ll set your targets to move you toward your goals.

You are set up! You know your numbers! Now we get your system in place. You are starting to see and understand that spreadsheets can do cool things.

This may hurt but we must do a deep dive into your expenses. Keep those that are integral to your goals. Reduce anything that can be negotiated down. Eliminate the unnecessary.

Do you have debt? We have a beautiful plan for that. No debt? You get the week off!

Let’s think about how you generate revenue in your business and identify new strategies or opportunities you may not see or be taking advantage of.

Exhale. Take a break. Or get caught up because life happens and we need to make space for that. You are doing great! If you need support, those calls are available to you.

You are feeling like a Profit First pro at this point and may be wondering about other ways you can leverage this system. We’ll discuss some options and figure out what you need.

Wow! Amazing! You’ve made it through the first quarter. Let’s review those numbers and get your quarterly reviews scheduled to keep your system on track.

We’re moving into a new quarter. Are you on track? Or do you need to make some tweaks?

Now that you understand how Profit First works, it is a natural progression and extension to implement it with your personal finances.

Let’s celebrate! You’ve worked so hard. You’ve learned so much. You ♥ spreadsheets! How did that happen? Congratulations. Please stay in touch and join us for our quarterly brags because we’re all amazing.

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